Progress, not perfection.

Hello there! I have attempted in the past to start blogging but I never could decide on what my focus should be. Should it be about technology or design or both?  Well, I think I’ll do both!

I love technology and the way it can make our lives easier. I love fixing technical issues and finding out how to use technology efficiently. However, as I get older, I am also keenly aware of how important it is to switch off all of our gadgets and “to stop and smell the roses” and practice mindfulness. I do believe that a technological balance in our lives can be achieved!

I also love creating and being a designer. I have a passion for colour and pattern. I will also explore that here by writing about art and design. I am a constant learner. I have a desire for knowledge that could be described as borderline obsessive! I need to channel that and I hope that this blog will be a perfect medium.

Recently, I told one of my client’s, “Progress, not perfection.”. In other words, just start writing and stop thinking about the minutia. I have now taken my own advice and am jumping into the world of blogging. Wish me luck!

Picture Caption: Confederation Bridge, Prince Edward Island (2017). Confederation Bridge links Prince Edward Island with mainland New Brunswick, Canada. It isn’t as iconic as San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge or London’s Tower Bridge but it is the longest (12,900 metres) bridge over ice-covered waters in the world and is a feat of engineering. Before this bridge was built, the only way to get to PEI was by ferry. It If you ever decide to drive across, (it takes about 10 minutes) make sure you are in an SUV or higher because that is the only way you can see the incredible view of the Atlantic Ocean.

